Truly "Hot" Marketing

If you think your product is boring and you have no way to innovate - Think again. Taco Bell is about to take you to school.

Some guy (or girl) at Taco Bell corporate headquarters is in charge of brand marketing and of course they handle radio and TV ads, print ads and in-store signage. But did Taco Bell stop there? I think not. Case in point; hot sauce packets.

Next time you are at Taco Bell (I recommend the Chalupa) ask for hot sauce. Then take a look at the packaging. Someone took the initiative to give those little guys personality and they throw out random little hot-sauce thoughts like:

"Bike tires scare me"
"My sauce is an honor student at Taco Middle School"
"Does a Grilled Stuft Burrito qualify you for the car pool lane"
"Open quickly...I'm burning up in here"

Hilarious? No.
Mildly entertaining? I think so, and for a packet of taco sauce that ain't bad!

So, what have you done lately to "spice up" your product?

Chief Show Officer
Home of the World's Most

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