Handshake-Augmented Information Exchange

The geeks...er I mean guys over at MIT have developed a high tech solution to solve the age old dilemma of needing but not having a business card handy. The iBand is, as it has been geekily defined, a "wearable device for handshake-augmented interpersonal information exchange".

Here is how it should work. In theory. If two people happened to meet who happened to have the iBand. The two people meet, have a one-to-one contact (e.g. shake hands), each person's information is transmitted via infa-red and stored for later viewing. Just like that no muss - no fuss.

Seems to me that the old Palm Pilots had a similar, but not handshake-augmented, "beam your info to another Palm" feature. Let me see...how's that Palm Pilot doing now...

Ok. I'm being hard on the MIT folks. I'm sure this is just a "Let's see if we can make one" project. And let's face it, the MIT crowd can build darn near anything to which they put their collective heads.

Time will tell if this item or components developed for this project take off but in the interim I'll keep using my ShowOffCards.

via i4U.com

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The idea is there but I think slices of tree are here to stay for a while :)