Mediocre or a Bit Scary?

I Just read a great article on Seth Godin's blog that he titled "How to live happily with a great designer". Read it.

I have excerpted a couple of my favorite points that I think are very applicable to business card design:

1. If you want average (mediocre) work, ask for it. Be really clear up front that you want something beyond reproach, that's in the middle of the road, that will cause no controversy and will echo your competition. It'll save everyone a lot of time.

2. If you want great work, you'll need to embrace one simple fact: It's going to offend someone. If it doesn't offend them, then it will make them nervous. The Vietnam Vets memorial offended a lot of people. The design of Google made plenty of people nervous. Great work from a design team means new work, refreshing and remarkable and bit scary.

(In case your'e wondering about the image - I googled "Scary" and well...there was Hillary.)

So. Are your business cards mediocre or a bit scary?

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