The Price Is Right. Maybe The Value Is Wrong

According to Seth godin

"Your sales force and your customers may scream that you need to lower your price. It's not true. You need to increase your value. If people don't want to pay, it's because you're not delivering enough value for the money you're charging.

You're not selling a commodity unless you want to."

As usual, Well said Seth.

I sell business cards. You can get all the free business cards you want. I'm not sure what business you're in but I doubt that you have competitors who give their product away on an everyday basis.

I absolutely did not want to compete for customers looking for free business cards (a commodity). So I had to develop a product with some sort of added value. The value I give my customers is:

1) A business card that NO ONE ELSE HAS

2) A business card tells you more than my contact information. It tells you about me. Who I am.

3) A business card that is fun (is your card really fun?)

4) A business card that in and of it self can spark a conversation

5) A business card that screams "I am not your garden variety *your profession here*!"

6) A card, that because they cost a lot of money, offer exclusivity.

Now. If I can take business cards out of the commodity arena. Surely you can do something to make you, your product or your service less of a commodity.

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