ChiefShowOfficer Test Drives

UPDATE: Come on Kodak! My movie doesn't work now (It did last night). Here I am trying to spread the love and your system fails me...The press release stated a 9/22 launch and I noticed that the site wasn't up until the evening of the 22nd (not a good omen) - and now on the 23rd my video isn't loading. So much for going viral with this one....

Seeing as how ShowOffCards makes people into superhero's everyday, as I was flipping through a marketing magazine today the word "superhero" caught my eye. Turns out that one of the marketing wonks at Kodak decided to see if they could do an "elfyourself" knockoff and create some viral buzz around their online Kodak Gallery.

Pretty good idea actually. What with the whole "You used to put film in a camera Dad?" phenomenon, Kodak has a lot riding on digital pics, so developing a cool place to store them and do stuff with them is essential.

Of course I had to check out the site and see how they stack up in the superhero development category.

Not bad. Not a lot of personalization options (I would have opted for a pair of not-so-tight shorts) but it's quick and easy to use and the end product is silly and fun - and you can't have too much of that.

I will now leave you with my rendition of Super Scott - enjoy

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