I lost my page one rank for "Unique Business Cards"

I lost my page one rank for "Unique Business Cards" - and I don't like it one bit.

When I started ShowOffCards.com in 2005 I knew I would never get a page one ranking for the very broad "business card" keyword. Too much competition. Plus, since ShowOffCards are WAY MORE Expensive (and WAY MORE effective) than regular business cards I decided to focus on the keyword "Unique Business Cards" since anyone searching on that phrase would - I assumed - be more likely to pay more for something unique.

Long story short, I focused on that and used all the legal tactics I knew to get ShowOffCards.com associated with Unique Business Cards. It worked. I climbed to page one and consistently was floating around spot one through three. Sweet. And the customers were rolling in.

Fast forward a couple of years, throw in a recession, a loss of personal motivation (I kind of got burned out on card design) and a site move and now ShowOffCards.com is now on page three, 7th listing down. And let's face it - page one is where I need to be.

So today, I embark on a personal challenge to move back up in the rankings. Stay tuned for updates.

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