Not In My Car

I am not a smoker. Never have been. Don't see the allure.

If you choose to smoke that's fine, but please answer me this. Why is it that you find it perfectly acceptable to carry cigarettes with you everywhere, smoke them in the confines of your car but when you finish one you invariably throw the butt out of your car window?

I guess it's possible that you are simply an equal opportunity litter bug and toss out paper bags, bottles and gum wrappers but I have a feeling that it may be limited to cigarette butts - like they're somehow "not litter". They are, so please keep them in your car until you can dispose of them properly. Thanks - and go get that cough looked at...

In the interest of full disclosure I was once a cog in the great wheel of the tobacco industry when as a very young man I pulled tobacco for a few summers. Nothing like being dressed in long sleeve pants and shirt, hunched over in between four foot tall rows of tobacco in 90+ degree heat to crystallize your decision to pursue higher education.

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