Hello Hokies!

ShowOffCards.com will soon be profiled in the Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business Magazine so I would like to extend a warm welcome to any fellow Hokies who may be stopping by for a visit.

Having spent 4.25 wonderful years (there was that one Summer session) in beautiful Blacksburg Virginia I walked away with a diploma ('85 Bus. Mgmt) and lots of fond memories. It seems like only yesterday...doodlydoo, doodlydoo, doodlydoo *Wayne's World dream sequence sound effect*

- Move in day on the 7th floor of Lee Hall
- Thursday night at "Top of The Stairs" singing a rousing rendition of New York New York with Frank.
- Water Safety Instructor class at 8:00 Am during Winter quarter - with the pool heater on the fritz. By the way, it was Jim Z's fault that I only received my BSI.
- A snowstorm that actually cancelled classes, but didn't close downtown if you know what I mean
- Jill and Ed Hampton literally kickin' my ass in karate class
- The feeling of walking out of the final exam for the quarter (any quarter). Only to be topped by the feeling of walking out of the final exam of your college career.
- Resident Advisor pay of $49 per week
- Slusher Beach

So, what's your favorite VT memory? and please - this is a family friendly site :^)

P.S. Now that we've had our trip down memory lane, how's about you click on over to ShowOffCards.com and buy something - I've got three kids to put through college!

Chief Show Officer
Home of the World's Most

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