A Unique business Card with 1/3 the Attitude

I bet you were starting to wonder where I've been. I know, I know. I've been majorly slacking on the blog but I have been busy.

While the Original Show Off Cards are a huge success and continue to grow in popularity, there are some people who aren't quite ready for that level of "attitude".

So, not being one to sit around I decided to cut the attitude by a third and developed Show Off Cards Lite. In short it is a vectorized portrait (shown left) of you which is used in full color on one side of your card and as a subtle background on the reverse with your contact info.

Basically, you get the "That's Cool" reaction (hey, you just got remembered!) but you're not "pushing the envelope" quite as aggressively.

Take a look. It's time you did SOMETHING different.

Chief Show Officer


Joni A Solis said...

It is good to have variety and not everyone can handle being a top-notch in-your-face show off -- it would have them blushing. These Showoff Lite cards are just the ticket for people that are a bit more mild-mannered. Great idea!

PrintGuy said...

I love the idea of having a vectorized portrait of your face. What like about this one is that it's not too cartoon-ey. This is a great business card idea.

Steve S.