ShowOffCards Wins an Emmy!

Ok, that's not quite true. But one of our most recent Show Offs won an Emmy, simply by handing out his Show Off Cards...You're not buying this are you? Ok, I'll come clean.

We have just finished up a set of Show Off Cards for a real life Emmy award winner - Mr. Jim Walsh! We feel honored just by association.

Jim is a 22 year veteran of the production industry. His client list includes everything from fortune 500 companies to sports teams to National Politicans. In 2007 Jim won the EMMY Award for Technical Achievement for his production entitled "Horizon".

Now I know zip about the production industry (I think that means he films stuff) but I can tell you one thing from first hand experience. The man has a vision and if you're working with him (or for him in my case) he will not rest until his vision is realized. Really. He WILL NOT REST UNTIL HIS VISION IS REALIZED. Great if he's working for you - not so much, if you're working for him ;^)

Seriously, it was a blast working with Jim.
Check out Jim and all our ShowOffs in the ShowOff Gallery

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