Business Card Innovation - We Love It!

It doesn't happen often (except at but Chung Dha Lam has actually innovated in the all-too-often-boring world of business cards. How you ask? Animation!

Now I know you're thinking to yourself. "An animated business card. Yeah right. It's probably some fancy electronic thing developed by a socially stunted electrical engineering geek from MIT which just happens to be the size of a business card but costs about a bazillion dollars each and you could never afford to actually give them out as a business card is intended."

Well guess what? Aside from thinking in really long run-on sentences you would be wrong. W-R-O-N-G. No electronics required. Chung does it with printed lines and vertical openings and other such graphic tricks - but no electronics.

Chung's friend Tal Siach posted a great interview with Chung and they explain the whole thing so head on over to for the skinny.

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