I told you we ARE Unique Business Cards

Now I'm not one to brag...
HA Ha HA hahaha
Ok. I thought I could pull that off. I really did...

Anyway, we've said it before but now we have official confirmation from the brain-trust over at Create Business Growth that ShowOffCards are not just unique business cards but we are INCREDIBLY unique business cards. (We send special love to the author - Christine O'Kelly)

Since finding our product on CreateBusinessGrowth.com I subscribed to their feed and I am now enjoying regular nuggets of markting gold. I highly recommend a visit.

Gotta run. I'm working up a rocking set of cards for Will Tyson over at Visual Designs.

Chief Show Officer
Home of the World's Most

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Anonymous said...

would you be intrested in taking part in an international business cards design contest, sponsored by www.dcp-print.com with total prize value of $2,000?

let me know: webmaster@dcp-print.com

Chief Show Officer said...

Absolutely - bring it on!