Diggers and the Knitting Fetish

First off, let me say I am a Digg fan and if you haven't visited, by all means, you should. I, on the other hand, visit it way more than I should.

One thing that just mystifies me is the fascination with knitting. More specifically anything knitted that relates to nerdiness or 70's and 80's video games. Mario, Space Invaders is hugely poular and someone even knitted a pair of Chucks aka converse all stars. I don't get it. I really don't.

In an effort to get into the whole "knitting mindset" thing I decided to knit a Digg blanket. Problem is I don't knit. But I do PhotoShop. Admittedly, not very well but I do PhotoShop so I proudly lift up my original Digg blanket as an homage to the real knitters out there. Keep doing what you do. Knit one, pearl two or whatever.

And will someone please explain the fascination...

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