"If a frog had a pocket he'd probably carry a gun."

My dad gave me that nugget of wisdom when I was a hanging out with him at the Jones crib in Brookneal many years ago. I know, we didn't use the term crib back then except as it relates to infant beds but I'm trying to stay relevant. I don't remember what prompted him to say it or exactly how he explained it to me - but I never forgot it.

The way I read it, is it means not to worry about the "If's" in life, at least the ones related to "If I had done this..." because you can't change what's done any more than that frog can carry a gun in his pocket...man, that is profound. Nice work Pops.

Note: the above rambling has nothing to do with the below post other than the "If" word.

Scott (you know, that guy with the name tag) had a good post about the If Factor. The bullet points are below but you'll need to visit his post to get the juicy details.

I post this to prompt any of those ShowOffCard fence sitters to just do it. Think about your marketing efforts as you read the list below. Then sign up for your own set of ShowOffCards - 'cause dude, your marketing is BO-RING.

1. IF … everybody loves your idea, you’re doing something wrong.
2. IF … everybody says you’re crazy, you might just be onto something.
3. IF … you’re not pissing off (some) people, you’re not doing your job.
4. IF … at first your idea doesn’t sound absurd, there is no hope for it.
5. IF … nobody’s trying to steal, copy or parody your idea, it’s probably not that good.
6. IF … you can’t explain it to a five year old, it’s not simple enough.
7. IF … people aren’t talking about your idea, you're in trouble.

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