Brilliant Bakery Business Card

As you may have guessed, I am a fan of cool business cards and I have a soft spot in my heart for really good marketing. And my general rule of thumb for marketing is that "simpler is better" - assuming you get your idea across. If you buy my theory that simpler is better, then this business card is hitting on all cylinders.

You could hand this card out with nothing printed on it and most people would immediately think "bread". It's made in the shape of a plastic bread closer thing-a-ma-jig. Pure simplicity.

The natural inclination for designing a business card for a bakery would be a photo of bread - DUH. That is what I refer to as "blunt object" marketing. Never do it.

Give me something I don't expect. Something that makes me pause for a second. Something to make me smile. Something to let me know you are unique.

Nice work Mr. Bakery Man

Chief Show Officer
Home of the World's Most

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great find -- wonder if he color codes them for discount expiration, as the bread sellers do for the BUY BY date... thanks for the inspiring discover.