Volvo Asks "Am I a Failure :^( or OUTSTANDING!"

Volvo's last forever.

Of course, the reason they last forever is that when you take them in for service, if there is the slightest problem with any component - they replace it. Granted, it keeps the car running like a top but it can get expensive. That's the Volvo plan and you should know this when you buy one. No problem so far.

Here's what frosts my flakes. After every service I get this handy survey form. As you will note, I am asked to rate Volvo on several topics on a scale of 1 to 10. That's fine but look closer. Options 1-9 are listed as "Failure" and option 10 is listed as "Outstanding". I received this one in the mail but if your service tech or service manager hands it to you in person they are quick to point out that anything less than 10 is a failure and reflects on them - personally.

Talk about a useless survey. They are rigging the results! It's not a 1-10 rating scale - it's pass fail. Now unless they dropped your car off the lift it's hard to imagine you're going to give them anything less than a ten. The average customer is going to give them a 10 simply because the only other option is to say "You are a failure".

I think I'll return this one with 9's and see what happens...

Dear Volvo,
You can do better than this cheesy pseudo-survey. Let your work speak for itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here, here. I have received the same thing - and my dealer said his bonus was dependent on it. I sent it back in with answers that I felt were approporiate (not all 10's either). I also wrote a note at the bottom that told them what I thought of their survey. It was similar to your response.
Continue the good work.